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Kofikrom Foundation

Founded in 2020, Kofikrom foundation is a non-governmental organization focused on three main charitable pillars to address Ghana’s pressing problems in Health, Education & Livelihood Empowerment

Kofikrom Foundation


Kofikrom foundation’s focus is on improving conditions in the natural and built environments. Our Team often focuses on:

  • Erectile Dysfunction & Prostate Cancer
    Awareness Campaign on helping people learn about prostate cancer and support those who are affected.
  • K-Van Outreach & Health Screenings
  • Kofikrom Town Clinics
    Donations (Health Items, Sponsorships etc.)
  • Soup Kitchens Initiatives, bi-monthly pop-up shelters for street children and people with little to feed in specific rural areas.


Our Livelihood Empowerment is Kofikrom Foundation’s social protection intervention with the aim of reducing poverty by increasing consumption and nutrition, as well as promoting access to social services and opportunities among the extreme poor and vulnerable in Ghana. Our Team focuses on: 

  • The Kofikrom Foundation Dream Hub (Vocational Training for Towns)
  • The Borehole project (Clean Water Provision)
  • Pop-Up Shelters and Soup Kitchens
  • Prisons Initiative


A highly educated and well-informed youth is critical to the future of Africa especially Ghana. Quality education is therefore crucial in developing the manpower needed by Ghanaians to exploit emerging opportunities and propel the country to higher levels of development. For this reason, the Kofikrom Foundation is actively involved in facilitating educational projects and bridging the literacy gap on a pan-African scale. We are focused on:

  • Every Child Must Read Literacy Campaign
  • Book Drive and Donations (Crowdsourcing for books)
  • The Kofikrom Foundation Scholars (Education Scholarships)


‘Every Child Must Read’ is an initiative of Kofikrom Foundation aimed at rekindling the dwindling reading culture amongst Ghanaian youths.

Our children no longer read; their passion for reading informative and educative books is fast eroding and this is part of the ills we want to correct in the country’s educational sector. Evert Child must read project involves the provision of recommended English literature for junior and senior secondary schools’ students across Ghana.


By investing in the betterment of communities in which Kofikrom Pharmacy Limited operates, our “Soup Kitchens” initiative focuses on a bi-monthly pop-up soup kitchens and shelters for street children and people with little to feed in a specific rural area. 


By investing in the betterment of communities in which kofikrom Pharmacy Limited operates, our “ED & Prostate Cancer Awareness” initiative focuses on helping people learn about prostate cancer and support those who are affected. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men. This is Kofikrom Foundation’s flagship campaign to combat the upsurge in Erectile Dysfunction and Prostate Cancer cases.

Our ED & Prostate Cancer Awareness campaign are done both online and, on the grounds, through floats,
sponsored walks, online digital ad campaigns etc. Kofikrom Pharmacy’s Product Lead on this campaign is our – Talgentis Product


The “Dream Hub” initiative is out to challenge negative perceptions of Technical and Vocational Education and Training and thus support young people to gain the skills they need to secure their livelihoods, while contributing to Ghana’s development.

“Dream Hub” will provide young people with the skills they need to readily find employment across a variety of industry sectors


  • Lower Income families
  • Citizens of Ghana situated in Rural areas.
  • Rural Communities
  • Needy but brilliant students

Over 2,000+

lives improved since the interception of our CSR Activities


direct beneficiaries


over 1,300

indirect beneficiaries


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