Accra, 10th April 2023 – The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI), in partnership with Built Financial Technologies and Benchmark Lawyers & Consultants, held ACCI 3rd BI-Monthly Meeting at UDS Guest House, Accra of which Mrs. Priscilla Dede Tudgedzo and Samuel Kwame Boadu represented Kofikrom Pharmacy Limited. Kofikrom Pharmacy Limited being a member of The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) participated in all preceding sessions which included Exhibition of some members products, Business Correspondence and welcoming of new members into the Chamber.
The Bi-Monthly meetings are part of the GNCCI’s efforts to boost private sector growth and equip its members with the needed resources by inviting resource people and institutions. This meeting aimed to accelerate the growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana by ensuring that its members are adequately prepared and informed on simple accounting and legalities in Estate planning. Studies have revealed that entrepreneurs in Ghana lack sufficient knowledge about how to prepare financial statements and legalities on how to plan their assets or estates and how these two things can benefit their businesses. The GNCCI believes that a more targeted approach is needed to address this information gap and focus specifically on entrepreneurs especially the start-ups.
The programme covered several topics related to Estate Planning like types of Estate Plan, factors to consider when choosing estate plan, steps involved in estate planning etc. and with the Simple Accounting presentation by Built Financial Technologies, they touched on how their software hosted on the cloud can help businesses with their finances, track their finances, send invoices, payroll management etc.
Some members who registered with GNCCI exhibited their products and were given opportunity to speak about the products. Kofikrom Pharmacy Limited led by Mrs. Priscilla Dede Tudgedzo was given an opportunity to talk about Kofikrom Pharmacy’s products and services. The meeting closed with members networking with each other to build strong business rapport amongst themselves.